Vanilla Sky

Posted: May 12, 2010 in Uncategorized

It’s an album. I haven’t started on it but sumtimes u have to kinna dwell on the concept of sumthin b4 u can actually bring it to fruition. I want it to be 15 songs. Two skits in there so I guess that means 13 songs. Usually I paint a negative view of life and love but on ‘Vanilla Sky’ it’s sorta gonna be like a musical version of the movie. A guy who eff’s wit womens hearts until he finally get burned in a major way and sees the bigger picture. ‘V12 pt II’ is just a mixtape, it drops on the first of June. I think the purpose of a mixtape is to get ppls attention so that they’ll be inclined to support ur album becuz they kno u have sumthing to talk abt. The two projects r entirely different tho. Like day and nite…

Peace til lata’

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